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House of Ginger Restaurant Menu

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Menú Tel: 2743-8182 Message

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EntradasAPPETIZERIVA incluido / 10% de servicio no incluidoVAT included / 10% service not includedRollos Primavera / Spring Rolls ( Orden de 3)Camarón / Shrimp ------------------------- ₡5.500--------------- 1X ₡2.000Lechón / Pork Tenderloin ---------------₡5.500--------------- 1X ₡2.000Pollo / Chicken -------------------------------₡5.000--------------- 1X ₡1.750Vegetarianos / Vegetarian ---------------₡4.500--------------- 1X ₡1.600Wantán Frito / Fried Wantán.Cangrejo / Crab rangoon ------------------------------------------ 6X ₡6.000Camarón / Shrimp ---------------------------------------------------- 4X ₡4.800Vegetarianos / Vegetarian ----------------------------------------- 4X ₡4.500Pollo / Chicken --------------------------------------------------------- 4X ₡4.500Dumpling / Dompling (Orden de 6).Camarón y Cerdo / Shrimp and Pork ------------------------------ ₡4.000Camarón / Shrimp ------------------------------------------------------- ₡4.500Vegetarianos / Vegetarian --------------------------------------------- ₡3.800Camarones Arropados / Shrimp Rolls Orden de 8 Camarónes / Order of 8 Shrimps ------------------ ₡6.000Tacos Chinos / Egg Rolls ( Orden de 3)Camarón / Shrimp ------------------------- ₡5.500--------------- 1X ₡2.000Lechón / Pork Tenderloin ---------------₡5.500--------------- 1X ₡2.000Pollo / Chicken -------------------------------₡5.000--------------- 1X ₡1.750Vegetarianos / Vegetarian ---------------₡4.500---------------- 1X ₡1.600Papas Fritas / French Fried -------------------------------------------- ₡2.800Nuggets de pollo con papas / Chicken Nuggets and fries - ₡5.000

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EmpanizadosCrujientesCHINESE CRISPY FRIEDTu proteina favorita preparada con nuestras deliciosas salsasYour favorite protein prepared with our delicious sauces Camarón / Shrimp ----------------------------------------------------- ₡8.000Pollo / Chicken ---------------------------------------------------------- ₡6.000Lomito de Cerdo / Pork Tenderloin ----------------------------- ₡7.000Lomito de Res / Beff Tenderloin ---------------------------------- ₡8.000Vegetarianos / Vegetarian------------------------------------------- ₡5.500Tofu ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ₡6.000 General Tso’sServido con arroz Jazmin y tiras de cebollino. Served with jasmine rice and chive strips.Es la combinación perfecta de dulce, salado, acido y picante.It is the perfect combination of sweet, salty, sour and spicy.Miel con ajo y ajonjolí / Honey with garlic and sesame seedsServido con arroz Jazmin / Served with jasmine rice. Exquisita mezcla de dulzor, aroma a ajo y textura crujiente.Exquisite mix of sweetness, garlic aroma and crunchy texture.Salsa House of Ginger / House of Ginger saucesServido con arroz Jazmin / Served with jasmine rice.Nuestra exquisita salsa especial de la casa, con sucaracteristico sabor del gengibre, un toque acido y dulce.Our exquisite special house sauce, with its characteristic gingerflavor, an acidic and sweet touch.Agridulce / Sweet and sour.Servido con arroz Jazmin y vegetales / Served with jasmine riceand vegetables.Una combinación equilibrada y armoniosa de dulce y ácido.A balanced and harmonious combination of sweet and sour.Naranja picante / Spicy Oranje.Servido con arroz jazmin y brócoli / Served with jazmine riceand broccoli.Combina el sabor citrico y dulce de la naranja con un toque depicante.It combines the citrus and sweet flavor of orange with a touchof spice.Salsa Dulce picante / Sweet spicy Sauce.Servido con arroz jazmin y vegetales/ Served with jazmine riceand vegetablesDeliciosa mezcla entre picante y dulce que combinan a la perfección.Delicious mix of spicy and sweet that combine perfectly.

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Arroz FritoFRIED RICEESPECIALIDADES / ESPECIALTIESArroz Frito de la casa / House Fried RiceMedio (half) -------------₡4.500 Entero (Whole)--------------- ₡4.700Cantonés / Cantonese Fried RiceMedio (half) ------.-----₡4.100 Entero (Whole) -------------- ₡4.300 Arroz con Lechón / Roast Pork Fried RiceMedio (half) -------------₡4.500 Entero (Whole)--------------- ₡4.700 Arroz con Camarón / Shrimp Fried RiceMedio (half) -------------₡4.500 Entero (Whole)--------------- ₡4.700 Arroz con Chorizo Chino / Chinese Sausage Fried RiceMedio (half) -------------₡4.100 Entero (Whole)--------------- ₡4.600 Arroz con Pollo / Chicken Fried RiceMedio (half) -------------₡4.100 Entero (Whole)--------------- ₡4.300 Arroz Vegetariano / Vegetarian Fried RiceMedio (half) -------------₡4.100 Entero (Whole)--------------- ₡4.300Extra salsa de ostión / Extra oyster sauce------------------------ ₡ 1.000Arroz con pollo para niños / Rice with chicken for children ₡ 3.000Chop SueyESPECIALIDADES / ESPECIALTIESChop suey de la casa / House Chop sueyMedio (half) -------------₡4.500 Entero (Whole)--------------- ₡5.000Chop suey con Lechón / Pork Chop sueyMedio (half) -------------₡4.500 Entero (Whole)--------------- ₡5.000 Chop suey con Camarón / Chop suey with ShrimpMedio (half) -------------₡4.500 Entero (Whole)--------------- ₡4.700Chop suey con Chorizo Chino / Chop suey with Chinese Sausage Medio (half) -------------₡4.500 Entero (Whole)--------------- ₡5.000 Chop suey con Pollo / Chop suey with ChickenMedio (half) -------------₡4.500 Entero (Whole) -------------- ₡5.000Chop suey con Vegetales / Chop suey with VegetablesMedio (half) -------------₡4.500 Entero (Whole) -------------- ₡4.300Chaumin en salsa de Ostión / Chaumin in oyster sauce-----₡5.000 (ELIJALO SECO O EN SALSA / CHOOSE DRY OR IN SAUCE)Chop suey seco / Dry Chop Suey.......................+ ₡500IVA incluido / 10% de servicio no incluidoVAT included / 10% service not included

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EspecialesSPECIALTIESServido con arroz jazmin y vegetales/Served with jazmine rice and vegetablesSzechuan Picante / Spicy Szechuan. Camarón / Shrimp -------------------------------------------------------- ₡8.500Pollo / Chicken ------------------------------------------------------------- ₡6.500Lomito de Cerdo / Pork Tenderloin -------------------------------- ₡7.500Lomito de Res / Beff Tenderloin ------------------------------------ ₡8.500Tofu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ₡6.500Vegetarianos / Vegetarian--------------------------------------------- ₡6.000Kum PaoCamarón / Shrimp ------------------------------------------------------- ₡8.200Pollo / Chicken ------------------------------------------------------------- ₡6.300Lomito de Cerdo / Pork Tenderloin -------------------------------- ₡7.200Lomito de Res / Beff Tenderloin ------------------------------------- ₡8.200Tofu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ₡6.300Vegetarianos / Vegetarian -------------------------------------------- ₡5.800Brócoli / BroccoliCamarón / Shrimp ------------------------------------------------------ ₡8.200Pollo / Chicken ------------------------------------------------------------- ₡6.300Lomito de Cerdo / Pork Tenderloin -------------------------------- ₡7.200Lomito de Res / Beff Tenderloin ------------------------------------- ₡8.200Tofu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ₡6.300Vegetarianos / Vegetarian --------------------------------------------- ₡5.800Salteado de hongos Shiitake / Shiitake mushroom stir fry.Camarón / Shrimp -------------------------------------------------------- ₡8.600Pollo / Chicken ------------------------------------------------------------ ₡7.000Lomito de Cerdo / Pork Tenderloin -------------------------------- ₡8.000Lomito de Res / Beff Tenderloin ------------------------------------- ₡8.600Tofu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ₡7.000Vegetarianos / Vegetarian -------------------------------------------- ₡6.500IVA incluido / 10% de servicio no incluidoVAT included / 10% service not included

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EspecialesSPECIALTIESIVA incluido / 10% de servicio no incluidoVAT included / 10% service not includedPad ThaiTallarines de arroz con salsa de tamarindo, tofu, maní y chileseco Rice noodles in tamarind sauce, tofu, peanuts and dried chili. Camarón / Shrimp -------------------------------------------------------- ₡9.500Pollo / Chicken ------------------------------------------------------------- ₡7.500Lomito de Cerdo / Pork Tenderloin -------------------------------- ₡9.000Lomito de Res / Beff Tenderloin ------------------------------------- ₡9.500 Vegetarianos / Vegetarian -------------------------------------------- ₡7.000Sopas / SoupsSopa Wantan / Wantan SoupCamarón / Shrimp ------------------------------------------------------- ₡5.000Pollo / Chicken ------------------------------------------------------------ ₡5.000 Sopa de vegetales / Vegetables soup -------------------------- ₡5.000Sopa Tofu / Tofu soup ----------------------------------------------- ₡5.000Pescado en salsa de gengibre / Fish in ginger sauce--------- ₡7000 Trozos de pescado fresco preparados en una sabrosa salsa abase de jengibre, ajo, cebolla, soja y otros condimentos. POSTRES / DESSERTSPREGUNTAR POR DISPONIBILIDAD/ ASK FOR AVAILABILITY

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BebidasDRINKSGaseosa / Soda ------------------------------------------------------------ ₡1.100Cerveza Nacional / National Beer ---------------------------------- ₡1.600(Michelada) ----------------------------------------------------------------- +₡300Batido en agua / Smoothie made with water ------------------ ₡1.800Batido en leche / Smoothie made with milk -------------------- ₡2.000Té Chino / Chinese Tea ------------------------------------------------- ₡1.000Piña Colada ----------------------------------------------------------------- ₡5.000Margarita ------------------------------------------------------------------- ₡5.000Daiquiri ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ₡4.000Mojito ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ₡3.500Tequila sunrise ----------------------------------------------------------- ₡4.500Chiliguaro ------------------------------------------------------------------- ₡3.500Copa de vino / House wine glass ----------------------------------- ₡ 3.000IVA incluido / 10% de servicio no incluidoVAT included / 10% service not included

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Todos nuestros platos están libres de conservantes y aditivos, noprecocinados ni congelados; se preparan al momento de su pedidocon productos frescos. ¡Estamos seguros de que disfrutarás tuvisita, así que recomiéndanos en nuestras redes sociales!All our dishes are free of preservatives and additives, not pre-cooked or frozen; they are prepared at the time of your order withfresh products. We are sure you will enjoy your visit, so pleaserecommend us on our social networks!Tel: 2743 8182